Friday, October 5, 2007

My bad!

So I've been gone for a month and needed to jump back on and extend my apologies, Sorry guys, :( Now let's get down to it, shall we?

I have been very busy this last month and have a surprise in store for all of you Soon-isht :)

Now, now, don't be nosey, you must wait.

So what's up in my world?

Well, I started eating properly combined foods a la "Fit for Life" and even my kids are on board! While we aren't following it to a tee, we are doing the proper combinations for dinner only, the results have been wonderful.

My son and I used to wake up with lead legs, you know, where you are literally dragging your legs for about 10 minutes until it lets up. Well now that is a problem no longer people. Also it was always a chore to get out of bed in the morning period, for all of us. Feeling tired and sluggish, but now when the alarm clock goes off and I'm up and ready to slip out of bed, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I wake them up and instead of "mom, please, 5 more minutes", they simply, get up, no muss, no fuss. :)

I want to delve into the complete program little by little because it is difficult to do in the beginning, so our next step will be only fruit for breakfast on the weekends.

Also, since I bring leftovers to work, Mon-Fri, I've been following the program for both lunch and dinner and this, I believe, is why my pants aren't as tight as usual. I don't know how much I've lost exactly since I don't own a scale but I know I've lost something, and that's enough for me:)

Like I said, I am busy as a bee, but I actually miss posting so I will do my best to make time to bore you with my mundane escapades as often as I possibly can :)


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