Sup everyone?
Okay, so like I said, I am reading Fit for Life from cover to cover, and while I don't have a lot of time I wanted to post a few of the things that have jumped out at me thus far.
I do NOT remember all of this from the zillion years ago when I first read the book either, anyway here it is.
A few of the testimonials at the start of the book:
"My Husband and I are in our 60s and have been on your program for 2 weeks. We feel so much better already. My husband was taking pills for arthritis - and now he takes none."
Raymond, Maine
" Five years of doctors and medications and it takes your book on good nutritional common sense to cure my severe stomach disorders...Fit for Life has changed my eating habits for the rest of my life."
Midvale, Utah
"My husband and I have been on the Fit for Life bandwagon for 2 months - he has lost 29 pounds and looks and feels better than he has in years. I have lost 21 pounds and also feel wonderful. Fit for Life is a way of life! "
Sparks, Nevada
From the forward by Edward A. Taub, M.D., F.A.A.P. an assistant clinical professor (at the time of the writing of Fit for Life) at the University of California:
"The human body should last for 140 years, or twice as long as our present life span"
"Food fuel is most efficient in the form provided by nature. There are no fields flowing with white bread and streams are not filled with Soft drinks."
How true my friends, reading just these first few pages I am appalled (with the way I eat and feed my kids), uplifted (because yes, there is hope) and humbled. God makes no mistakes and he created us to live a great existence. He gave our bodies the ability to keep us healthy and assist us in living our best lives ever, and we have done everything in our power to go against that.
So I have highlighted these little tidbits of hope and will post again soon.
Hasta muchachas and muchachos!
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