Friday, August 17, 2007

Pill Popper-Tee hee

Hola my Peeps

I have been out of it the past couple of days. Good news though, I did get that part and my car is now back on the road :) Man for being a city girl without a license up until 3 years ago, I now feel trapped without a car. Laundry was put on hold, grocery shopping and going to the movies. All at a stand still because I had no car, what the f%$& is that?!

PLEASE NOTE: These things have now all been taken care of :)

But a lot of it has to do with my weight (gee, what a surprise), see I have no qualms about taking a bus, I mean I lived in New York my entire life, public transportation is nothing new, you know? But I feel vulnerable walking places or waiting for a bus. I mean, what if my ex boyfriend sees me? UGH! the horror.

You may be asking yourself if I am still hung up on him, well, the answer is, no, I'm not. However, my friends and I have this rule you see, "never let an ex see you sweat, never". Translation; If you must see your ex, you must look fabulous! And yeah, okay, we started this rule when we were a lot younger but still, it sits within and paralyzes me. I mean logically I know that it doesn't matter what I look like when I see him because there is a reason he is my ex. I didn't want him then and I surely don't now, but still, it's ingrained in me.

Now that my car is alive and well again, I suppose this is neither here nor there, until the next time that is :)

On another note, I was attacked by the flu yesterday morning and I mean full blown attack mode. In the past when I've been plagued with the influenza, it came slowly over a few days but this was like WAM! I was fine one minute and the next I was disoriented, dizzy and burning up with my throat slowly closing on me. I got some Cold and Flu meds and started popping pills like Elizabeth Taylor, word! I have to work for a living after all. I'm still feeling quite terrible, but I will pop a few more pills and take the kids to the movies (only because I already promised pre-flu outbreak), after that it's bed time for me.

Have a fab weekend



Anonymous said...

thank you ... thank you.. for this BlOG!!! I am in the same situation with my weight. You have inspired me to really do something about my weight issues. I am sooooo sick and tired of feeling invisible, unfashionable, and unable to go to functions because of the weight thang!!!

Please keep sharing.

Hopefully we can loose this weight demon and conquer!!!

- morysmiles

Teddy said...

keep on doin the gud work.u will loose weight,but it takes time,so dbe patient