Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fit for Life, Social Experiment: Update #2

There is a LOT to take in with the Fit for Life lifestyle change. The following are a couple of the smaller changes (though every change has an impact) that I want to gradually work in over the next 7 to 10 days.

Fruit or fresh fruit juice for breakfast

Yep ONLY fruit or juice for breakfast, bye bye sausage and egg beaters :(

Drink more water

I had actually started on this one before I picked the book back up and after a couple of days I felt less sluggish, well as "less sluggish" as a 215 pound 5'2 " woman CAN feel.

Be in bed by 10pm

This is gonne be HARD for me. #1 because I am a night owl, totally HATE the mornings and #2 because I lead a very busy life during baseball season. And this year will be especially taxing because my sons are in different leagues, so that means double the games, plus work, my writing and all regular domestic related things.

Ay bendito!

Anyway thats all for now, Ta Ta!

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