Tuesday, June 23, 2009

YAY! We got our official start date!

Okay, so I have to admit something. I thought that with all of the sudden interest in the weight loss competition from our "news girls", I would get booted and be relegated to a life of big belly-ness and un-toned calves. Oh the HORROR!

I mean, it only made sense that any on air personalities that wanted to participate would equal more PR for the client right? But alas, someone had the most brilliant of ideas and our station now has 2 teams of 4 that will go up against teams made up of our viewers.

We have a start date of July 6th. I am excited and nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach and one of the other girls said she feels like throwing up. lol.

And side bar here people: NONE of our news girls need to lose weight, they are all young, gorgeous and fabulous! But the fact that 4 of them signed up goes to show how weight and size crazy obsessed we, as Americans, are.

Anyway, wish us all luck :) I'm sure I'll have a great time, after the anxiety induced nausea goes away. I cant WAIT!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sometimes God just drops it in your lap, ya know?

Sooooooo, I'm at work today minding my own beez wax when I hear one of our sales people telling her manager about a "fun new idea" she has. I didn't hear what the idea was and went about my business, but when I get back from lunch I see a new memo out back. And BAM!

It's from said Sales Executive, looking to round up 3 co-workers to participate as a team along side of her in a competition against some of our viewers (Remember people, I work for a television station) it's to be sponsored by a local gym.

And me, who constantly shies away from attention, I signed up for the challenge. I am SUPER DUPER nervous people.

Anyway here's what I know so far:

Each person gets 3 hours a week of personal training sessions for a total of 8 weeks. (Value $1080 - no lie)

Our competition will be two other teams of 4 each made up of our viewers.

Winning team gets a one year gym membership.

Why am I nervous you may be asking. Hmm, well, I detest the spotlight, especially when I resemble a baby beluga whale. And I just KNOW that I know, that I know, that our pics, bios and poundage will be on full blast for all to see (and vote on).


Anyway I will keep you posted. It's supposed to begin the 1st or 2nd week of July.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fit for Life, Social Experiment: Update #2

There is a LOT to take in with the Fit for Life lifestyle change. The following are a couple of the smaller changes (though every change has an impact) that I want to gradually work in over the next 7 to 10 days.

Fruit or fresh fruit juice for breakfast

Yep ONLY fruit or juice for breakfast, bye bye sausage and egg beaters :(

Drink more water

I had actually started on this one before I picked the book back up and after a couple of days I felt less sluggish, well as "less sluggish" as a 215 pound 5'2 " woman CAN feel.

Be in bed by 10pm

This is gonne be HARD for me. #1 because I am a night owl, totally HATE the mornings and #2 because I lead a very busy life during baseball season. And this year will be especially taxing because my sons are in different leagues, so that means double the games, plus work, my writing and all regular domestic related things.

Ay bendito!

Anyway thats all for now, Ta Ta!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fit for Life Social Experiment: First update

Sup everyone?

Okay, so like I said, I am reading Fit for Life from cover to cover, and while I don't have a lot of time I wanted to post a few of the things that have jumped out at me thus far.

I do NOT remember all of this from the zillion years ago when I first read the book either, anyway here it is.

A few of the testimonials at the start of the book:

"My Husband and I are in our 60s and have been on your program for 2 weeks. We feel so much better already. My husband was taking pills for arthritis - and now he takes none."
Raymond, Maine

" Five years of doctors and medications and it takes your book on good nutritional common sense to cure my severe stomach disorders...Fit for Life has changed my eating habits for the rest of my life."
Midvale, Utah

"My husband and I have been on the Fit for Life bandwagon for 2 months - he has lost 29 pounds and looks and feels better than he has in years. I have lost 21 pounds and also feel wonderful. Fit for Life is a way of life! "
Sparks, Nevada

From the forward by Edward A. Taub, M.D., F.A.A.P. an assistant clinical professor (at the time of the writing of Fit for Life) at the University of California:

"The human body should last for 140 years, or twice as long as our present life span"


"Food fuel is most efficient in the form provided by nature. There are no fields flowing with white bread and streams are not filled with Soft drinks."

How true my friends, reading just these first few pages I am appalled (with the way I eat and feed my kids), uplifted (because yes, there is hope) and humbled. God makes no mistakes and he created us to live a great existence. He gave our bodies the ability to keep us healthy and assist us in living our best lives ever, and we have done everything in our power to go against that.

So I have highlighted these little tidbits of hope and will post again soon.

Hasta muchachas and muchachos!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Following a book for a year? My Social Experiment on weight loss!

Social Experiment. Needed:

1 Crazy Chick - That would be moi!

1 Book

1 YEAR! Oh wow, what am I getting myself into?


Well, I gained 10 pounds.

For the almost 10,000 visitors I've had since the inception of this blog you know I started it at 205 lbs, I just weighed myself yesterday and I now weigh 214.5 lbs :(

How is it that after almost 2 years, I actually ended up HEAVIER?!

Anyway about a week ago I started thinking about my struggle with my weight, and what I wanted to do about it.

What did I come up with?

Team Fat Girl: My Social Experiment on weight loss.

In this day and age of self help books, how to and top ten lists I have decided to follow the principals of a book on weight loss for an entire year.

Why? Because I'm FAT! That's why!

However, what with me being a wagon faller (falling off the wagon) and a procrastinator, I figured that blogging about my social experiment experiences will give me a better sense of accountability. Hmmm, we shall see.

I decided to follow the book I've chosen because of the following reasons:

1-If I knew what to do on my own I wouldn't be fat and getting fatter, so why not turn to the experts

2-The authors base their advice on #1 personal experience (They been there yo, they done that) and #2 on treating our bodies in a way that would be pleasing to God

After reading myriad books,blogs and magazine articles over the years this book still resonates with me and always gives me the AHA! moment most successful people claim to have before they: Lose 100 pounds, start a multi-million dollar business with a $20 investment in their attic or finally find the love of their lives.

I've touted this book for years, but this time around I am going to re-read it from COVER to COVER and follow the plan laid out.

The book?

Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond

Wish me luck and send a prayer up for me, mi gente. Besides the so sad weight gain, my cholesterol is dangerously high and I am like a year away from becoming diabetic.

I'm cracking the book open this evening.