Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm Back And With Only 76 Days Til Cali...oh My!

I was thinking of this blog on my way to work today, as I was simultaneously thinking, "shit I only have 76 days 'til I leave for Cali"!

See, here's the skinny,(pun intended) I am taking an 8 day vacation in July to California and Vegas with my oldest son and his best friend and we are going to visit my son's God Mother and one of my best friends, J.

J lives a kind of parallel universe life to me, she is dating a great guy, she's trim and slim, she makes a nice living she has a fabulous career and lives in a beautiful place. She vacations in Hawaii, spends most weekends at a friends mansion by the pool and the like and she does things like mingle with celebrities when she "goes to the races" whatever the hell that means!

So, if we were in high school I would say that I am the plain Jane and she is more like the popular cheer leader :)

I'm not hatin',I love her, I just don't wanna be the fat girl in Cali. I know the only way to loose a few pounds before I leave is up to me, totally and completely. And just an FYI, I am not whining about J's fabulous life, she busts her ass for it. I was just making the observation on the vast differences in the lives of two friends that were both raised in New York City during the 80's, by mothers who were also best friends.

K, well as my teenage son says, "I'm Off this", I hope everyone else's weight loss journeys are going better than mine, which at this point means if you've lost even 1 pound you are ahead of me! LOL

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