Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What My Fat Means To Me...

As I sit here at work eating my bag of mini chips ahoy that I just spend .85 on at the vending machine of death, I ponder. What does my fat mean to me? So the following list is what I have come up with so far, I'm sure I can add more if I really think about it, but i need to "get me back".

These are in no particular order:

No cute boys to kiss good night after a date :(

18 is my new and very sad size

Chest pains

Can't go up a flight of stairs or walk a full New York City block without being winded

I am depressed

I avoid doing things I like (I miss swimming the most)

I threaten my kids and friends when I find they've posted a photo of me on facebook

I've let myself go in other areas, i.e. my hair, my clothing choices

I get tired to the point of having to stop when playing with my 3 year old grand daughter

Avoid choosing places fabulous like Miami and Puerto Rico for girls weekends because that screams bathing suit

Sigh! I know you may be tired of hearing this, cuz i'm tired of saying it, but I need a change :( I need my life back, where the hell did I go?

How are you all doing?

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