Friday, February 25, 2011

XBOX 360 for Weight Loss?

Sooooooo, guess what? My daughter and I are going halvsies on the XBOX 360 Kinect budle! It's $300 and comes with a game, we are also planning to purchase Zumba and Dance Dance Revolution. I just thought it would be something fun to do with the kids. She wants it so that we can loose some weight and get toned.

After reading some reviews, it looks like you work up quite a sweat with all of the games even if they aren't targeted for working out, so maybe I can shed some of the rolly polliness. But toned? I wonder if it will work. If any of you have tried it, please, I would love to hear from you and get your input.

She is having a problem finding it in any of the stores around our area, so we may have to order it online :(

I will keep you updated. Who knows, maybe I'll be a bikini model yet, watch out Heidi Klum! lol

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